
How to Request the Free Digital Antenna Kit: step-by-step


The transition to digital signal has been an important milestone in the history of Brazilian television.

In order to guarantee universal access to new transmission technology, the Federal Government developed a social program that allows low-income populations to request the free digital antenna kit.

Today, we will present a detailed step-by-step guide so that you, eligible for this benefit, can make the request without complications.

Learn how to Request the Free Digital Antenna Kit step-by-step

To begin the process of requesting a free digital antenna kit, it is essential to understand the procedure and follow each step carefully. The kit consists of a UHF antenna and a converter with remote control, which allows digital signal reception even on older televisions.

1. Check your Eligibility

The first step is to ensure that you are registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), as the kit is intended for beneficiaries of social programs.

2. Access to the Request Portal or APP

Access the official portal or cell phone application designated by the Government to request the kit. These digital platforms were developed to facilitate citizens' access to public services.

3. Fill in the requested data

Enter your personal data as stated in CadÚnico, such as full name, CPF and date of birth. It is crucial that the data is updated and correct to avoid any setbacks in the request.

4. Confirmation and Scheduling

After filling in the details, the system will automatically check your eligibility. If approved, you will be able to proceed with scheduling the kit pick-up at one of the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) or a designated location.

5. Kit Removal

Once your appointment has been made, go to the pick-up point on the scheduled day and time, taking the necessary documents with you. The kit will be delivered free of charge, and installation instructions will be included.

Necessary documents

To ensure that the collection of your free digital antenna kit occurs without unforeseen events, you must have the following documents:

Keep in mind that all documents must be in good condition and legible. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the kit not being released.

The initiative to distribute digital antenna kits is more than a technological project; is an inclusive action that aims to ensure that no family is left without access to the information and entertainment that television provides.

The Federal Government, through this social program and with the collaboration of CRAS, reaffirms its commitment to the digital and social inclusion of the most vulnerable sections of the population.

Finally, remember that the request a free digital antenna kit It is your right as a participant in social programs.

Therefore, make sure you have your CadÚnico updated and follow the steps described here to enjoy access to digital television.

The change from analogue to digital signals represents a significant advance in image and sound quality, and with the correct information and proactive action, this benefit is within your reach.

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your television experience, find out more and request your digital kit today.