
CNH Social – See how to register and get your CNH for free!


A Popular National Driving License (CNH) is an essential document for many Brazilians, representing not only the ability to drive vehicles, but also opening doors to opportunities in the job market.


However, for low-income individuals, the costs associated with obtaining a driver's license can be a significant challenge.

It is in this context that the CNH Social, also known as Free CNH or Popular CNH. This is a program implemented by state governments in partnership with the State Department of Traffic (Detran), aiming to provide access to licenses for those who face financial barriers.

In this article, we will explore this transformative program in detail, highlighting how it is possible to apply for a CNH Social, the criteria involved and who can benefit from this valuable opportunity.

What is CNH Social?

CNH Social is a government project developed in conjunction with Detran, aimed at low-income individuals who do not have the resources to bear the costs of the process of obtaining the license. National driving license.

Its main objective is to democratize access to licenses, offering all necessary steps free of charge, from exams to Detran tests.

In this way, we seek to provide opportunities for those who want to drive different types of vehicles.

Who Can Participate in CNH Social?

The criteria for applying for a CNH Social may vary depending on each state's regulations, but some common requirements include:

In addition to these requirements, there are additional criteria for certain situations, such as changing the driver's license category.

For example, for category additions (A or B) and changes from category B to D, candidates generally need to be between 21 and 50 years old, prove individual income of up to three minimum wages, have a category B driver's license for at least 12 months and not have medium, serious or very serious infractions in the last 12 months.

How to Request a Social CNH?

The CNH Social application process may vary from state to state, but registration generally follows a standard.

To ensure you are informed and ready to take the first step, follow the guidelines below:

  1. Access your state's Detran website:
    • Check if your state offers the CNH Social program.
    • Look for the CNH Social, CNH Popular or Free CNH options.
  2. Registration Period:
    • During the registration period, access the website and fill out the form with personal information, such as ID, CPF, date of birth, address, among others.
  3. Analysis and Documentation:
    • After pre-registration, each body will carry out an analysis and may request additional documents.
  4. Selection Notice:
    • Candidates are selected through a notice made available during the registration process.
  5. Monitoring of Subsequent Internships:
    • Once registration is accepted, the participant must follow the subsequent internships, which include theoretical and practical classes, medical and, if necessary, toxicological examinations.

CNH Social Program in the States

Among the 26 states and the Federal District, only 19 offer the CNH Social Program. Check out the complete list of names assigned to this program in each state:

Considerations about the Social CNH

CNH Social – Veja como fazer a inscrição e ter sua CNH Gratuita!
CNH Social – See how to register and get your CNH for free! (Image: Canva PRO)

The CNH Social represents a valuable opportunity for those looking to obtain a driver's license at no cost.

It is essential to be aware of the specific criteria of your state, register within the stipulated period and be prepared to follow all the necessary steps.

By obtaining the Social CNH, in addition to acquiring the legal ability to drive, the beneficiary also benefits from greater social inclusion and easier access to the job market.

The freedom to drive a vehicle may be closer than you imagine, and this initiative aims precisely to make driving accessible to everyone, promoting equity and reducing social disparities.


In summary, CNH Social is a transformative initiative that aims to provide opportunities for individuals of low income, allowing them to obtain their license free of charge.

By understanding the criteria, following the application process and preparing for subsequent stages, interested parties can aim for a more mobile and inclusive future.

The freedom to drive should not be a restricted privilege, but rather a reality accessible to all citizens.

CNH Social represents a significant step in this direction, contributing to the construction of a more fair and egalitarian society.

Therefore, for those who dream of obtaining a driver's license, it is time to take advantage of this opportunity and embark on the path towards achieving social qualification. Good luck on your journey!