
Learn Crochet Step by Step: Creating Amazing Rugs


If you are looking to learn a relaxing and creative craft, crochet is an excellent option!

In this step-by-step guide, we at The Insider's Views will teach you how to create amazing crochet rugs.

Crochet is a technique of weaving yarn with a special needle, and with patience and dedication, you will be able to produce beautiful rugs that will delight everyone.

Necessary materials

Before we start with the step by step, let's talk about the materials you will need to have on hand to create your crochet rugs:

  1. Crochet hook: Choose a hook suitable for the yarn you will be using. The needles have different numbers that indicate their size.
  2. Crochet yarn: Choose quality yarn, as it will directly influence the final result of your work.
  3. Scissors: To cut the threads precisely.
  4. Tape measure: To measure the size of your rug.
  5. Point markers: They will help you track the progress of your work.

Choosing the Proper Yarn

When choosing yarn for your crochet rug, take into consideration the location where it will be used.

For everyday rugs in high-traffic areas, a more durable yarn such as cotton or acrylic is recommended.

For decorative rugs, you can opt for more delicate yarns with a soft touch, such as wool.

Current Point (Correntinha)

The chain stitch is the basis for most crochet work.

To begin, make a slip knot in the yarn and insert the needle.

Then make a simple loop and pull it through the slip knot.

Continue making loops until you have the required number of chains for the size of your rug.

Extremely low point

The slip stitch is used to join rows and finish pieces.

Insert the needle into the desired point and make a simple loop.

Pull this loop through the stitch and you will have finished your piece.

Low point

The double crochet is one of the simplest and most common in crochet. Insert the needle into the desired stitch, make a loop and pull it through the stitch.

You will have two loops on your hook; make a loop again and pull it through both loops.

Hight point

The high point is a little higher than the low point and is excellent for creating textures in your rugs.

To do this, wrap the yarn around the needle, insert it into the desired stitch, make a loop and pull it through the stitch.

You will now have three loops on your hook; make one more loop and pull it through two loops.

Make one more loop and pull it through the two remaining loops.

High Point in Relief

The raised stitch is ideal for creating interesting reliefs and patterns on your rugs.

It is done in the same way as double crochet, but instead of inserting the needle into the stitch of the previous row, insert it behind the stitch, creating a raised effect.

Assembling Your Rug

Now that you've learned the basic crochet stitches, it's time to assemble your rug.

Choose a pattern or create your own design.

Use the stitches learned to create textures, reliefs and color combinations that will make your rug unique and enchanting.

Remember to mark the beginning of each row with a stitch marker to make it easier to track your progress.

And don't worry if you make mistakes at first, practice makes perfect!


To finish your rug, make a row of slip stitch along the entire edge to give a beautiful, uniform finish.

Cut the thread and tie a knot to ensure the work doesn't come undone.

Care and Maintenance

To keep your crochet rug looking beautiful and preserved for longer, avoid exposing it directly to the sun for long periods.

Clean it regularly with a vacuum cleaner or shake it outdoors to remove dust and dirt.

In case of stains, wash gently with water and neutral soap.

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Now you have the skills to create amazing crochet rugs!

With patience, dedication and creativity, you can produce unique and charming pieces.

Remember to practice regularly to improve your techniques and explore different combinations of stitches and colors.

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